I've thought long and hard about my list. I've considered characters from the many works of classic literature on my shelves, influential critical theorists who have shaped my morals and values, and true heroes of our time.
So, for my distinguished evening of class and cultured conversation I'd invite:
Steven Tyler, Jennifer Lopez and Randy Jackson
The holy trinity. They'd sit one one side of the table with fuzzed out red C*ca C*la cups and microphones. They represent the surprise golden season of my (proudest) guilty pleasure: American Idol. Steven Tyler would most likely turn up with the mega munchies. On the plus side he's tell me everything I'd cooked was "beautiful". Oh, and @jessings would need to be there too.
Lady Gaga
Yeah she's a historical figure. Or at least she will be in a couple of millenia. AND she's an artist. She could do a big Art Attack with my dinner.
Shaun Keaveny
I think it only fair to reward him for the endless amounts of embarrassing laughter he causes me on my walk to work. I'd insist on a heavy dose of Brokeback Mountain intros for each and every guest. Why can't I quit you Shaun?
Bill Murray
I don't think I need to justify this one. I get Venkman, Bob Harris, Phil Connors, Frank Cross... and BILL MURRAY all rolled into one. Hell, I might even wear a pink wig and try my luck.
Eddie (Moose)
He's a natural comedian AND he can help clear up. We'd better hope Gaga's wearing some undies beneath that bacon though...
So - high culture from me. As you'd expect.